Stay up to date with JCPL

Library Newsletters

We have many ways for you to keep updated on happenings at the library. Our JCPL News email list has frequent announcements about individual programs, events, updates, and general information about the in a short news release format. Expect several emails most weeks to know everything going on at the library! You can subscribe at any time by sending an email (with any subject or body, or none at all) to You should receive a confirmation email before you’re subscribed. Check your spam folder if you don’t.

Our Browse newsletter has been folded into the Wowbrary weekly newsletter. It contains all the items we’ve added to the library that week with links direct to the catalog if you want to place the item on hold to get it as soon as possible. Upcoming events and programs are also highlighted in each issue. Expect one email each weekend with dozens of new items. To see our latest issue at any time you can click here to view. If you want to sign up, click “Sign Up” at the top of the screen.

The MyJC Program Guide newsletter sends 4 emails a year to notify you of our new programming schedule for the season. If you already subscribe to our Newslist you will already get this notification. To subscribe simply email